
Sustainability Policy and Promotion Structure

The environment surrounding the RIKEN TECHNOS GROUP is changing dramatically, with increasing environmental awareness, the move away from plastics, and other such interest in social issues and greater demand for solutions to them.
Our Group is developing a new structure for promoting sustainability to pursue sustainable business growth and work seriously on solving social issues. We accurately see the risks and opportunities in business from the perspectives of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) areas, and incorporate them into our management strategies. In this way, we will continue to provide society with new value and solutions through our businesses and contribute toward solving social issues and realizing a sustainable society. Regarding these initiatives, we will also further enhance information disclosure for our stakeholders.

Code of Conduct & Sustainability Policy

For the creation of a sustainable society

RIKEN TECHNOS CORPORATION and its subsidiaries (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “RIKEN TECHNOS GROUP”) shall practice our management philosophy, the RIKEN TECHNOS WAY and serve as an engine toward the creation of a sustainable society considering the responses to global environmental and social issues as one of important management challenges.
To that end, the RIKEN TECHNOS GROUP shall fulfill its social responsibilities in accordance with the following ten principles.

1. Social Mission

With an eye on social and environmental issues, develop and provide safe and secure products through innovation.

2. Involvement in Environmental Issues

Recognize that a positive involvement in environmental issues, including climate change, is an essential part of our activities and our very existence as a corporation, and engage in activities independently and proactively in consideration of the environment.

3. Relationship of Trust with Customers

Earn the satisfaction and confidence of customers through the provision of appropriate information on goods and products and sincere communication.

4. Contribution to Society

Contribute to the development of society and communities through business operations and social contribution activities rooted therein.

5. Observance of Laws and Regulations, and Respect for International Norms

Observe laws and regulations of each nation and region, respect the various international norms in place, and manage activities with due consideration of their culture and customs.

6. Fair Activities

Promote fair and free competition, sound trade, and responsible procurement. Ensure relationships and contacts of a sound nature with government agencies and political bodies, preventing bribery and corruption.

7. Respect for Human Rights

Respect the human rights of all people when engaging in activities.

8. Respect for Diversity, Human Resource Development, and Improvement of Internal Environment

Respect the diversity of each and every employee and develop human resources to enable them to perform the best of their potential. Develop a safe and healthy internal environment where all employees can work comfortably.

9. Fair Disclosure of Information and Constructive Dialogue with Stakeholders

Disclose corporate information in an active, efficient, and fair manner, engage in constructive dialogue with wide-ranging stakeholders surrounding a corporation, and strive to increase corporate value.

10. Thorough Risk Management

Achieve GROUP-wide risk management to prepare appropriate responses to natural disasters, cyber-attacks, anti-social activities, terrorist acts, and other threats to civil life and corporate activities.

Role and Responsibility of Management

Management shall execute business acknowledging that their role is to put the spirit of the Code of Conduct into practice, develop effective governance, and strive to raise awareness within the RIKEN TECHNOS GROUP. In addition, management shall urge the entities constituting the supply chain to take actions in accordance with the principles of this Code of Conduct. Furthermore, in the case of incidents contrary to the principles of this Code of Conduct that degrade society’s confidence in the RIKEN TECHNOS GROUP, management shall fulfill its responsibilities by taking the initiative in settling the issues, conducting investigations to determine the causes, and taking preventive and other necessary measures.

*The Code of Conduct and the Sustainability Policy of RIKEN TECHNOS GROUP are uniform in their contents as they aim to achieve a sustainable society.

Sustainability Promotion Structure

Amid dramatic changes in the environment surrounding the Group, we have established the Sustainability Committee as a function linking the frontlines and management in order to further incorporate the expectations of stakeholders into our corporate activities. Chaired by the President & CEO, the Sustainability Committee comprises all executive officers who are members of the Management Committee, with outside directors participating as observers. Led by senior management, we have established an organizational structure that enables expedited management decision-making and implementation of measures.
The Sustainability Committee identifies and reviews key issues (materiality topics) to be undertaken with priority by RIKEN TECHNOS GROUP in the area of sustainability, approves the response policies and targets for the identified key issues, and oversees and evaluates the progress of activities. It also promotes company-wide sustainability-related education and activities to spread sustainability. The Sustainability Committee and the Environment Committee under it deliberate on various important issues (materiality topics) related to sustainability, including climate change, and report their deliberations and findings to the Management Committee. In addition, deliberations on climate change and other sustainability-related issues by the Management Committee are regularly reported to the Board of Directors. The Sustainability Committee meets at least twice each year, with six meetings held in FY2023.

Sustainability Promotion Structure
Sustainability Promotion Structure

Risk Management

Our basic risk management policy is carried out from the perspective of putting the RIKEN TECHNOS WAY into practice, complying with the Code of Conduct, ensuring the soundness of management, stable business continuity, prioritizing human life, instilling the spirit of compliance, and eliminating and mitigating factors that hinder stakeholder interests.
The Risk & Compliance Committee lists, analyzes and evaluates the Group’s overall risks, and implements countermeasures focusing on issues identified as priority risks.
Regarding climate change and other risks related to sustainability, we undertake the formulation of policies related to risk avoidance, mitigation, and control, proposal of countermeasures, and other such matters centered on the Sustainability Committee and the Risk & Compliance Committee. On top of that, we conduct Group-wide risk management based on resolutions made at the Board of Directors. We also monitor the implementation state of countermeasures and their effects.

Initiatives to Improve Employees’ Awareness about Sustainability

We organized training on the SDGs for young employees as part of our company-wide sustainability-related education and activities to spread sustainability. We invited several activists in social contribution who have previously appeared in “SDGs Lab”―a TV program produced by RIKEN TECHNOS―to talk about their activities and conduct workshops. Other initiatives include the conduct of briefings online and onsite about our sustainability-related management policy and initiatives. We will continue to promote initiatives to enhance our employees’ awareness about sustainability.

Initiatives to improve employees’ awareness about sustainability