
Develop Human Resources Suited to a “Challenger”

We provide the ideal work and environment that enable individual employees to demonstrate the abilities required by us. At the same time, we actively develop (invest in) human resources who can succeed in the face of global competition. Through these efforts, we support the growth and active participation of employees. By bringing together the enhanced abilities of individual employees through dialogue and demonstrating the collective strength of the team, we contribute to the further growth of RIKEN TECHNOS. We believe that the self-driven practice of our corporate philosophy— the RIKEN TECHNOS WAY—by each and every employee is the foundation of all our operations, and we are responsible for creating the environment in which that takes place.
We advocate being a challenger, and besides taking on new challenges as a company, we are also working to establish a human resource development system in which every employee can achieve their targets and develop their own abilities. In addition, for sustainable improvement of corporate value, we believe it is vital to see our human resources as capital and to draw out all of their potential value, while at the same time formulating and implementing human resource strategies linked to our management strategies. Based on such an approach, we are carrying out a range of initiatives to secure and develop the human resources necessary for executing the strategies of our three-year medium-term business plan.

Relationship between Employees and the Company

Indicators and Targets

Indicators Scope Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Medium- to Long-term Targets
FY2024 FY2030
Training cost per employee non-consolidated thousand yen 28 45 92 117 140
Total training time *1 non-consolidated hours 2,242 2,405 2,605 - -
Annual training hours (days) per employee *1 non-consolidated hours (days) 2 (0.2) 3 (0.4) 3 (0.4) - -

*1Annual training hours are based on the training and rank-based education conducted by the Human Resources Department, so it does not include training hours conducted by organizations other than the Human Resources Department. It also does not include educational hours through e-learning.

Global Human Resource Development

We carry out various measures for developing human resources capable of executing global business strategies. We provide young employees with experiences in secondment or business trip to overseas consolidated subsidiaries in order to discover and develop human resources capable of playing active roles at the global level.

Pre-dispatch Global Human Resource Development for Employees Dispatched Overseas

Participants in this training learn broadly—including sales strategy formulation techniques, marketing, financial accounting, understanding of different cultures, and foreign languages—through e-learning and pre-dispatch training. They acquire the skills and mindsets necessary for carrying out management overseas.

Selection-based Development of Management and Junior Employees

Selected employees are sent to educational institutions such as an outside school to learn a variety of ways of thinking and to develop usable management skills. The aim is to let employees broaden their perspectives and see themselves objectively by being away from their daily operations and interacting with people from other companies, and at the same time, also widen their human networks. Through conducting such development at each level, we continuously develop human resources for future management candidates.

Career and Human Resource Development Programs

autonomously develop their own careers, increase their own value, and continue to grow as employees. Besides the conduct of training, in our human resource structure, we have systems that create opportunities for regular communication between superiors and subordinates regarding career development. Education through on-the-job training (OJT) and off-the-job training (Off-JT), assignment transfers, and such are carried out taking into consideration the intentions of our employees.
Training is undertaken not only by the participants; we also create opportunities for the involvement of their superiors. For example, in new managerial staff training, we provide guidance to superiors about the training’s purpose and intent and how superiors are involved. Over the sixmonth period of the training, we create opportunities for monthly interviews between participants and their superiors. During these interviews, besides confirming and reporting the progress of themes being undertaken in the training, participants can also receive support from their superiors.
In addition, we carry out various human resource development programs to promote individual employee growth and strengthen our organizational abilities, including external seminars, group training at the workplace, attainment of qualifications, and in-house skill certification. We also widely conduct education about compliance and internal control to establish and maintain a culture that allows proper conduct as corporate employees.
Through these and other human resource development measures, we continuously develop management human resources and secure human resources capable of being assigned to key posts.

New Recruits Training

Group training is conducted for new recruits three times: immediately, three months, and one year after joining us. Besides deepening their understanding of RIKEN TECHNOS, these training sessions also help them to switch their mindset from being students to that of working adults, learn business etiquette, and alleviate their worries, concerns, and doubts. By including training related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we also create opportunities for them to think about the ways in which businesses and the daily activities of individual employees can contribute to the SDGs. In addition, for those in career positions who graduated from universities or graduate schools, we assign them—regardless of occupation—to manufacturing, quality control, R&D, and other such departments as part of training for one year (up to two years) after joining the Company. During the training period, they deepen their understanding about our products, technologies, raw materials, and such, and learn the basic knowledge necessary as employees of a manufacturer practicing “the spirit of manufacturing” before they are assigned to their actual departments.

Training by Level

We conduct several types of training by level, mainly for promotees, such as new chief training and new managerial staff training. The curriculum for new chief training mainly seeks to provide foundational management knowledge necessary for leaders at the frontlines and to reinforce the participants’ self-awareness as being in the pool for future management candidates. In new managerial staff training, as managers working at the frontlines, the curriculum mainly comprises training for the purposes of providing them with a solid foundation in management; strengthening their abilities to solve problems, develop the capabilities of the employees for whom they are responsible, and exert leadership; promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion; and directly linking training to operations so that the knowledge obtained in training leads to results at work.

DX Training

Continuing from FY2022, we conducted selective digital transformation (DX) training in FY2023. Our IT literacy education was also reorganized into our DX training, and it is also conducted as company-wide education. Going forward, we will continue to reinforce our DX training to raise the DX skills of our employees and develop specialized human resources.

Professional System

We introduced a professional system to develop specialized human resources, provide them with opportunities to play active roles, and secure human resources with a high level of specialized skills. Employees assigned to professional positions apply their high levels of experience and knowledge at departments in the areas of R&D, intellectual property, and sales.