
Promote Diversity and Inclusion

We recruit and promote diverse human resources without bias with respect to gender, nationality, age, or career history. To accelerate the global expansion of business in the future and to respond with speed to the rapidly changing market environment, we actively recruit and promote human resources with different experiences, skills, and careers, and will continue to work to establish a human resource development system and a work environment in which these employees can play active roles.

Indicators and Targets

Indicators Scope Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Medium- to Long-term Targets
FY2024 FY2030
Number of employee consolidated people 1,884
Male: 1,592
Female: 292
Male: 1,610
Female: 285
Male: 1,616
Female: 288
- -
non-consolidated people 779
Male: 690
Female: 89
Male: 689
Female: 91
Male: 689
Female: 96
- -
Contract employees (Excluding contract and re-employment) non-consolidated people 20 17 12 - -
Temporary employees non-consolidated people 42 68 67 - -
Turnover ratio (voluntary retirement) non-consolidated % 3.1 2.9 2.8 - -
Ratio of female in managerial positions non-consolidated % 2.0 2.0 2.1 7.0 -
Ratio of foreign national management position non-consolidated % 0.7 1.4 0.7 3.0 -
Ration of mid-career hire management position non-consolidated % 30.5 31.3 29.8 40.0 -
Ratio of employees with disabilities non-consolidated % 2.85 2.84 2.61 Above the legal employment rate -
Wage gap between male and female*1 All employees non-consolidated % - 75.0 74.6 - -
Of which, full-time employees non-consolidated % - 76.9 76.4 - -
Of which, part-time and fixed-term employees non-consolidated % - 50.1 51.1 - -
Ratio of childcare leave acquisition (Male) non-consolidated % 7.1 43.8 52.6 - -
Employees taking nursing-care leave non-consolidated people 0 0 0 - -

*1If the male wages are set at 100%

Women’s Empowerment

With respect to the empowerment of women, we strive to create workplace environments where women can freely participate based on our action plan under the Act on the Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life. For the three years starting from FY2021, we have developed and are implementing the following action plans for our efforts. In FY2023, we are carrying out projects for further promoting women’s empowerment.

  • Female recruitment rate of at least 25%
  • 100% attendance in career development training for women (targeting employees in and after their fourth year of employment)
  • At least a rate of 60% for taking of annual paid leave
    (Plan period: April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2024)

Promotion of the Active Participation of Senior Human Resources

We continue to employ employees who wish to be reemployed after retirement until the age of 65, giving consideration to flexible work styles including job scope and number of days/hours of work. Many of those reemployed play valuable roles, such as guiding young employees and passing on skills developed so far.

Promotion of the Active Participation of Employees with Disabilities

We see support for the employment of persons with disabilities as part of allowing diverse human resources to play active roles, and we provide opportunities for their active participation at various workplaces.

Support for Balancing Work and Childcare / Nursing Care

We have created working environments that are convenient for employees providing childcare or nursing care. Under our childcare and nursing care leave systems, up to 10 days of paid leave can be taken to care for a sick/injured child or to provide nursing care to a family member. The childcare leave system allows employees to take childcare leave for up to two years, including a period of paid leave. In FY2022, the childcare leave usage rate was 63.2% (100% for women and 43.8% for men). In addition, the nursing care leave system allows employees to take up to a total of 93 days of leave.