
Appropriate Management of Chemical Substances

RIKEN TECHNOS CORPORATION has been managing chemical substances in accordance with laws such as the Act on the Confirmation, etc. of Release Amounts of Specific Chemical Substances in the Environment and Promotion of Improvements to the Management Thereof, the Industrial Safety and Health Act, and the Fire Services Act. Furthermore, we thoroughly check and manage the chemical substances we use to comply with laws and regulations for diverse chemical substances (such as the Chemical Substances Control Law, Industrial Safety and Health Act, Food Sanitation Act, and the European Union's RoHS Directive and REACH regulation). We also have developed a chemical substance management system that we can refer to about chemical substances regulated by laws and regulations. During product development, we select raw materials based on our internal standards as well as laws and regulations. In addition, we have also established a system that allows us to understand the required level of chemical substance management for products by manufacturing site.

Indicators and Targets

Indicators Scope Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Medium- to Long-term Targets
FY2024 FY2030
Number of serious violations of legal and regulatory compliance regarding use of chemical substances non-consolidated cases 0 0 0 0 0

Management of Chemical Substances

We perform proper management of environment-related chemical substances in every step of the manufacturing process from product development to waste disposal in order to lessen the burden on the environment.

About management of chemical substances

1. Chemical substance management

We prohibit usage of chemical substances used according to the following regulations depending on the product.

  • Laws and regulations (Act on the Evaluation of Chemical Substances and Regulation of Their Manufacture, etc., Industrial Safety and Health Act, Food Sanitation Act, Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Act, EU and RoHS mandates, REACH, etc.)
  • Application
  • Customer demand (Customer regulations on management of chemical substances, etc.)
  • Internal policies on chemical substance management

2. Selection of materials for development

When selecting new materials for developing products, materials, including impurities therein, are selected according to the above regulations.

3. Material purchase management

We manage the purchase of materials according to Green Procurement Standard in order to prevent contamination by foreign chemical substances.

  • We request the implementation of an environment management system to control environment-related substances for all material manufacturers.
  • We collect information on purchased materials from material safety data sheets and demand chemical analysis data and chemical content information sheets on materials subject to the limitation in accordance with standards set in paragraph.
  • In cases of non-conformity, we will request corrective action and confirm proof of such action.

4. Contamination control in production

  • We have established a system wherein the level of management demanded in chemical substances for products is well understood at the place of production.
  • Products of differing management levels use separate equipment to prevent contamination.
  • We offer complete implementing and training to prevent contamination and impurities in products.

5. Testing of RoHS10 substances

We have abolished the use of cadmium, hexavalent chromium, mercury, PBB, PBDE, DIBP, and BBP, so there is no possibility of products exceeding the regulated limits of these substances. The use of lead, DBP, and DEHP is limited, and the places of use are also limited and controlled. Some of our products use materials containing these substances, but contamination countermeasures such as the use of separate equipment prevent our products from exceeding the regulated limits. In addition, the following tests are regularly scheduled and performed.

  • Regular inspection of dedicated lead-free and DEHP-free production lines to ensure stable production
  • Analysis and inspection of all products from RoHS10 substance lines

Analysis methods for other substances are not yet established, but we ensure that all material suppliers cooperate fully with us in creating a management system that lives up to the expectations of our customers.