About Us
Management Policy
Medium-term Business Plan(FY2022 to FY2024)
「Challenge Now for Change New 2024」
1. Management Policy
Challenge Now for Change New 2024
Aiming to become the leading provider of comfort for all living spaces
2. Numerical Targets
Consolidated Net Sales:135 billion yen
Consolidated Operating Income:8.5 billion yen
3. Management Targets
Targets for FY2024 (final fiscal year)
ROS (Return on Sales): 6.3%
ROE (Return on Equity): 8.0%
Overseas sales ratio: more than 50%
4. Three-year Medium-term Business Plan
- 1. Intensifying Global Management and Generating Synergies
- 2. Staying ahead of customers’ expectations
- 3. Taking on the challenge toward new businesses and products
- 4. Contributing to solving environmental and social issues
To support these four strategies, we will work to create human resources that can overcome global competition and prompte DX.
5. Capital Investments under the Three-year Medium-term Business Plan
Total 19.5 billion yen over the three years of the plan