
Promote Health and Productivity Management

Indicators and Targets

Our group has identified “promote health and productivity management” as a materiality, and has established the following KPIs to promote initiatives.

Indicators Scope Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Medium- to Long-term Targets
FY2024 FY2030
Number of occupational injuries requiring time off work (absence from work greater than one day) consolidated (domestic) cases 5 1 0 0 0
Of which, number of occupational injuries requiring time off work (report of worker’s death, injury, or illness) consolidated (domestic) cases 4 0 0 0 0
Percentage of employees undergoing specified health examinations consolidated (domestic) % 85.9 88.9 90.3 90 90
Percentage of employees provided specified health guidance consolidated (domestic) % 37.6 52.5 61.4 55 60

Health Management

We believe that investing in the promotion of our employees’ health invigorates our organization by energizing employees and making them more productive. This contributes to the sustainable growth of the Company. Failing to create environments where our employees can continue to work in good health would render the Company incapable of sustainable growth. That is why the Company and our health insurance union are conducting collaborative health* initiatives, closely connecting the Company’s health management (investment) and the health insurance union’s data health plan activities.

Companies and health insurance unions each performing their own roles and meeting their own responsibilities while collaborating together to promote the health of employees

Ensuring of Work-life Balance

We have created various systems, including a flex time system, to ensure that employees can maintain their work-life balance.

Flextime System

A flextime system has been introduced to allow flexible work compatible with busy and lull periods.

System for Half-day Paid Leave and Period for Promoting the Taking of Paid Leave

We seek to promote the taking of paid leave, such as introducing a system where employees can take paid leave for half a day at a time and conducting campaigns for promoting the taking of paid leave.

System for Accumulating Expired Paid Leave

Paid leave expires after two years. This system allows paid leave to be withheld and accumulated for up to 60 days. The accumulated paid leave can be taken for childcare, nursing care, or when an employee is sick or injured.

Occupational Health and Safety

Fundamental Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Based on our belief that safety comes above all else, we consider occupational health and safety to be one of the most important foundations of our business operations, and strive to maintain and improve our healthy and safe working environments.

Occupational Health and Safety Policy

  • Comply with occupational health and safety laws and regulations
  • Maintain and improve our occupational health and safety structure
  • Create comfortable work environments
  • Promote health

Occupational Health and Safety Structure

We carry out our business operations with an occupational safety management system in accordance with ISO 45001.

Occupational Safety Management Organization Diagram
Occupational Safety Management Organization Diagram

Eradication of Causes of Dangers and Hazards through Risk Assessments

Following the introduction of risk assessments (RA) in 2003, improvement activities to prevent incidents were established to eliminate and separate potential dangers and hazards in the workplace to reduce risks. Going beyond “zero industrial accidents,” all employees work to achieve “zero risks” by participating in safety awareness and risks and systems improvement activities.

Health and Safety Patrols

Factory managers regularly patrol workplaces to confirm that there are no latent risks or unsafe behavior in factories, and that the 5S are being practiced as fundamental behavior. We perform risk assessments of the hazards identified through these activities, and establish work environments which place safety first.

Health and Safety Patrols

Virtual Reality Safety Education

We introduced educational contents making use of virtual reality (VR) as part of safety education and kiken yochi training (KYT: hazard prediction training) activities at the work site involved in dangerous work within the factory. By using VR, operators can experience simulated industrial accidents and dangerous situations, helping to prevent accidents and improve safety awareness.

Virtual Reality Safety Education

Sharing of Health and Safety Information

Materials regarding health and safety and information regarding industrial accidents is shared between Group companies, including overseas sites. This helps improve the safety awareness of operators and prevent accidents.

Initiatives Towards Zero Industrial Accidents

Occupational Health and Safety Seminar (RIKEN VIETNAM)

RIKEN VIETNAM held an occupational health and safety seminar led by an outside instructor. The company is also carrying out monthly 5S safety patrols and managing progress on its safety improvements.

Occupational Health and Safety Seminar (RIKEN VIETNAM)

Results of Safety and Health Activities

Three Zeros for Thousand Days (Mie Factory)

Our manufacturing divisions refer to zero industrial accidents, zero quality complaints, and zero serious mechanical failures as the “three zeros,” and all of the members of manufacturing divisions work towards the achievement of these goals. The Mie Factory’s manufacturing division recently achieved three zeros for one thousand days, and those involved in this accomplishment were recognized with an award.

Three Zeros for Thousand Days (Mie Factory)

Incidence of Industrial Accidents

Our Group has never had a fatal accident.

Occupational injuries requiring time off work
Occupational injuries requiring time off work