
Strengthen Risk Management

The RIKEN TECHNOS GROUP sees factors that affect the achievement of corporate goals as risks, and undertakes thorough risk management. Based on the RIKEN TECHNOS GROUP Basic Policy on Risk & Compliance, our basic policy for risk management and compliance is to practice the RIKEN TECHNOS WAY, comply with the Code of Conduct, ensure the soundness of management, ensure stable business continuity, prioritize human life, instill the spirit of compliance, and eliminate or mitigate factors that hinder stakeholder interests.

Riken Technos Group Basic Policy on Risk & Compliance

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 General Provision

Article 1
Article 2
Scope of Applicable Organization
Article 3
Article 4
Basic Risk Management Policy

Chapter 2 Risk Management System

Article 5
Chief Risk Management Officer
Article 6
Responsibilities of Senior General Manager, General Manager, and Consolidated Subsidiary President & CEO
Article 7
Risk & Compliance Committee
Article 8
Activities of the Committee
Article 9
Activities of the Committee Secretariat

Chapter 3 Risk Management Action

Article 10
Risk Survey
Article 11
Identification and Evaluation of Risks and Compliance
Article 12
Audits, etc.
Article 13
Publication of Important Risks, etc.
Article 14
Principle of Emergency Response
Article 15
Improving Risk Management and Compliance Systems

Indicators and Targets

Indicators Scope Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Medium- to Long-term Targets
FY2024 FY2030
Ratio of IT security lectures non-consolidated % 84 91 97 100 100

Risk Management System

At the RIKEN TECHNOS GROUP, the Risk & Compliance Committee centrally and comprehensively manages risks faced by Group companies to enhance the effectiveness of risk management and further improve compliance. Besides listing, analyzing, and evaluating the Group’s overall risks, the committee understands critical risks, identifies risks to be handled with priority, and formulates countermeasures for those risks. Furthermore, the Committee identifies and evaluates human rights risks. The Committee carries out comprehensive risk management for the Group as a whole, such as confirming the progress of risk countermeasures every six months, making revisions to them, and instructing the relevant departments to carry out improvements, as necessary.

Risk Management System

Risk Identification Process

At the start of the fiscal year, divisions and consolidated subsidiaries comprehensively derive the risk that may affect their business operations to create a list of internal control risks. These risks are then integrated and evaluated at the Risk & Compliance Committee, after which the committee identifies Groupwide risks to be handled with priority throughout the fiscal year that should involve the active participation of the management.
To enhance Group governance (internal control), we implement risk management that is consistent Groupwide by understanding risks comprehensively across the entire Group and implementing a PDCA cycle for their countermeasures.

Risk Management PDCA Cycle
Risk Management PDCA Cycle
Overview of Risks Requiring a Priority Response in the RIKEN TECHNOS GROUP and Their Countermeasures
Overview of Risks Requiring a Priority Response in the RIKEN TECHNOS GROUP and Their Countermeasures

Business Continuity Plan and Business Continuity Plan and Response to Emergency Situations

At the RIKEN TECHNOS GROUP, we formulate our business continuity plan (BCP) in preparation for emergency situations such as natural disasters, fires, and terrorism, stating matters such as priority products and the roles of each department in recovery activities. We also put in place a system for minimizing damage and losses by stating the organizational structure during emergency situations, specific procedures of each employee, and other such matters in the Emergency Response Basic Regulations and Disaster Response Procedural Manual and conducting regular training.

Disaster Response Organization
Disaster Response Organization

Information Security

To strengthen cybersecurity measures, our Group has formulated the RIKEN TECHNOS GROUP Information System Management Regulations and the RIKEN TECHNOS GROUP Information Security Regulations. We are strengthening IT security and taking measures against the risk of information leakage and other risks. We also try to minimize information security risks through access restriction, data encryption, and other methods, and have installed the latest protection system.
As an initiative to improve employees’ literacy, at the IT security lectures conducted annually for all employees, we share measures to prevent information security incidents―such as virus infection and information leakage―and the responses to take when an incident occurs. In addition, we conduct practical education through targeted email attack training.
Furthermore, we established and started the operation of RIKEN TECHNOS CSIRT in FY2023 as a system to lead cyber security incident prevention activities and measures against such incidents when they occurred.

Management of Consolidated Subsidiaries

The Corporate Planning Division, as the division in charge of comprehensive business management of consolidated subsidiaries, ensures efficiency and soundness of Group management by providing consolidated subsidiaries with guidance on building internal control systems and promoting information sharing.
Our divisions receive the necessary reports about the situations at consolidated subsidiaries such as the state of management and the financial situation based on the RIKEN TECHNOS GROUP Regulations for Management of Consolidated Subsidiaries. The aforementioned regulations also state the report recipients and reporting method in the event of a risk occurring at a consolidated subsidiary to put in place a system for fast and appropriate response.
The Corporate Planning Division arranges an operational report meeting of consolidated subsidiaries, attended by the president & CEO and relevant executive officers, at least twice a year. The Division also holds an information-sharing meeting semi-annually, attended by all consolidated subsidiaries to share information on the establishment of new group regulations, amendments to existing regulations, risk events in the Group, and good practices measures against these risk events, among others.

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