
Strengthen Compliance

The RIKEN TECHNOS GROUP practices our corporate philosophy, the RIKEN TECHNOS WAY, and serves as an engine toward the creation of a sustainable society considering the responses to global environmental and social issues as important management challenges. To that end, Group companies promise to fulfill their social responsibilities in accordance with the ten principles in our Code of Conduct.

Indicators and Targets

Indicators Scope Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Medium- to Long-term Targets
FY2024 FY2030
Number of serious compliance violations consolidated cases 0 0 0 0 0
Number of whistleblowing reports (Number of cases handled) consolidated cases 6 (6) 2 (2) 4 (4) - -
Attendance ratio of human rights and compliance training*1 consolidated (domestic) % 40 58 100 100 100

*1The figures for 2021 and 2022 exclude on-demand participants, and the figures for 2023 include on-demand participants.

Basic Policy on Bribery Prevention

Basic Policy on Bribery Prevention by RIKEN TECHNOS GROUP

Riken Technos Corporation and its subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to as "Each Group Company") shall establish this Policy on bribery prevention in accordance with the RIKEN TECHNOS WAY and the RIKEN TECHNOS GROUP Code of Conduct.

1. Prohibition of Bribery

Each Group Company shall not provide or receive money or goods or other economic benefits beyond the scope deemed appropriate in accordance with the laws and regulations, guidelines, etc. of the country or region in which it operates the business.

2. Establishment of System

Each Group Company shall establish a system to prevent bribery, including an anonymous report system, in order to detect and rectify violations of compliance, such as bribery, or acts that may violate compliance at an early stage.

3. Retention of Records

Each Group Company shall prepare and retain records in an accurate and appropriate manner in order to reasonably demonstrate that no bribery has been committed.

4. Cooperation in Education and Investigation

Each Group Company shall provide regular education and training to prevent bribery. In the event of any act that violates or may violate this Policy, strict punishment shall be imposed, and serious cooperation shall be provided for the investigation by the relevant authorities.

Whistleblower System

RIKEN TECHNOS has established a whistleblower hotline which employees can use to receive advice about doubts regarding breaches of laws, regulations, and the Articles of Incorporation. Besides the Audit Department, we have also established for third party contact through a law firm, and taken rigorous measures to prevent whistleblowers from being identified within the company and make sure that no detriment is suffered by whistleblowers.

Contact Point for Inquiries from Outside of the Company

We have established a contact point for inquiries from outside the company, including customers and business partners. If you have any inquiries regarding products or services, or if you are found to have committed any acts of fraud or violation of laws, please contact us through the inquiry point. The personal information we receive will be used to respond to your inquiry and will be strictly managed in accordance with our privacy policy.

Compliance Education

Compliance training is continuously conducted for officers and employees of Group companies. We strive to nurture awareness about compliance by informing everyone about the RIKEN TECHNOS WAY and the RIKEN TECHNOS GROUP Code of Conduct as well as by conducting education related to compliance issues in daily operations and similar themes.
The RIKEN TECHNOS GROUP Compliance Manual ―which explains topics such as the matters to be observed by Group employees and methods of response when an issue has occurred― is made known to our officers and employees as well as Group companies in Japan and overseas, and we make periodic revisions to the manual.

Compliance Training Conducted in FY2022
Compliance Training Conducted in FY2022

Basic Policy on Internal Control System

We have declared that the RIKEN TECHNOS GROUP practices and observes the RIKEN TECHNOS WAY and the RIKEN TECHNOS GROUP Code of Conduct and operates its business activities. The RIKEN TECHNOS GROUP believes that the Internal Control System, a system established to ensure appropriate and efficient business operations, is a necessary and essential measure for the more reliable fulfillment of the abovementioned business practices by ensuring the appropriateness of business operations, in accordance with the Companies Act of Japan and the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Companies Act of Japan. Please refer to “Basic Policy of the Internal Control System” for more information.

Elimination of Antisocial Powers

In the RIKEN TECHNOS GROUP Basic Policy on Internal Control System, we clearly state that Group companies “shall never have any relationships with antisocial powers or organizations that threaten the security and order of civil society” and that we “shall show fortitude and adamantly refuse any unreasonable demands by antisocial powers or organizations.” We are also part of the Special Violence Prevention Measures Association of the Metropolitan Police Department (Tokubouren) and exchange information with the local police and member companies. At the same time, we also make known our stance of eliminating antisocial powers in the compliance training conducted regularly for our employees.

Internal Audits

The Audit Office implements a system that allows the conduct of effective and organizational audits by conducting joint audits in Japan and overseas in collaboration with the Audit & Supervisory Committee. Reports on the state of internal audits are provided by the Audit Office to the Audit & Supervisory Committee as well as to the Management Committee and Board of Directors. An effective dual reporting line is also put in place, including giving regular monthly reports to the president & CEO.