

Trees were planted as part of Blue Challenge.

RIKEN ELASTOMERS CORPORATION, a U.S. subsidiary of RIKEN TECHNOS Corporation, will bloom cherry blossoms with the aim of creating sustainable societies.

RIKEN TECHNOS Corporation’s group companies, RIKEN AMERICAS CORPORATI ON and RIKEN ELASTOMERS CORPORATI ON (Kentucky State, U.S.A.), planted cherry trees as part of Blue Challenge * together with Boys & Girls Club’s educational support activities.

*Blue Challenge is a generic term for all activities of Riken Technos Group to achieve sustainable societies.


Protecting mountains, forests, and other terrestrial ecosystems to prevent desertification is a major challenge for sustainable development while minimizing impacts on climate change. To this end, we have discussed with the Economic Development Council (EDC) in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, to determine the appropriate location for donations of trees.

We are also planting cherry trees on the grounds of RIKEN ELASTOMERS CORPORATION to promote in-house greening.

Riken Technos Group will continue to promote SDGs actions (Blue Challenge) rooted in local communities.